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Santos IB, Garrido-Maraver J, Gonçalves C, Oliveira BI, Tavares ÁA. (2023)

"Role of MOB4 in Cell Proliferation and Neurogenesis." BioChem. 2023; 3(4):182-196.


Florindo, C; Mimoso, JM; Palma, SL; Gonçalves, C; Silvestre, D; Campinho, M; Tavares, A (2023). "Mob4 is required for neurodevelopment in zebrafish." microPublication Biology.  10.17912/micropub.biology.000762


Inês B. Santos, Alan Wainman, Juan Garrido-Maraver, Vanessa Pires, Maria Giovanna Riparbelli, Levente Kovács, Giuliano Callaini, David M. Glover, Álvaro A. Tavares (2023)

"Mob4 is essential for spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster"

Genetics. 2023 ; 224(4):iyad104. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyad104


Fernandes E, Fonseca TG, Carriço T, Mestre N, Tavares ÁA, Bebianno MJ. (2020) "Cytotoxic responses of the anticancer drug cyclophosphamide in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and comparative sensitivity with human cells lines." Chemosphere.  261:127678. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127678.


Fonseca TG, Carriço T, Fernandes E, Abessa DMS, Tavares ÁA, Bebianno MJ. (2019) “Impacts of in vivo and in vitro exposures to tamoxifen: Comparative effects on human cells and marine organisms.” Environ Int. 129:256-272. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2019.05.014


Silva PMA, Delgado ML, Ribeiro N, Florindo C, Tavares ÁA, Ribeiro D, Lopes C, do Amaral B, Bousbaa H, Monteiro LS. (2019) “Spindly and Bub3 expression in oral cancer: Prognostic and therapeutic implications.” Oral Dis. 25:1291-1301. doi: 10.1111/odi.13089.


Silva PM, Ribeiro N, Lima RT, Andrade C, Diogo V, Teixeira J, Florindo C, Tavares Á, Vasconcelos MH, Bousbaa H. (2017) "Suppression of spindly delays mitotic exit and exacerbates cell death response of cancer cells treated with low doses of paclitaxel." Cancer Lett. 394:33-42. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2017.02.024.


Florindo, C, Ferreira, B., Serrão, S., Tavares, AA, and Link, W. (2016) “Subcellular Protein Localisation in Health and Disease” eLS (Encyclopedia of Life Sciences). DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0026534


Silva PM, Tavares ÁA, Bousbaa H. (2015) "Co-silencing of human Bub3 and dynein highlights an antagonistic relationship in regulating kinetochore-microtubule attachments."  FEBS Lett. 589(23):3588-94. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2015.10.017


Silva PM, Reis RM, Bolanos-Garcia VM, Florindo C, Tavares AA, Bousbaa H. (2014) “Dynein-dependent transport of spindle assembly checkpoint proteins off kinetochores toward spindle poles.” FEBS Lett. 588:3265-73.


Florindo C, Perdigão, J., Fesquet, D., Schiebel, E., Pines, J. and Tavares A.A. (2012) “ Human Mob1 proteins are required for cytokinesis by controlling microtubule stability.” J. Cell Sci  125: 3085-3090.


Tavares A., Gonçalves J., Florindo C, Tavares A.A. and Soares H. (2011) “Mob1: defining cell polarity for proper cell division.” J. Cell Sci 125: 516-527.


Mariana Lince-Faria, Stefano Maffini, Bernard Orr, Yun Ding, Cláudia Florindo, Claudio E. Sunkel, Álvaro Tavares, Jørgen Johansen, Kristen M. Johansen, and Helder Maiato. (2009) “Spatio-temporal control of mitosis by the  conserved spindle matrix protein Megator” J. Cell Biology 184:647-657.


Godinho, S. and Tavares, A.A. (2008) “A role for Drosophila Polo protein in chromosome resolution and segregation during mitosis” Cell Cycle 7:2529 – 2534. (cover article)


Pearson, J., Godinho, S., Tavares, A., Glover, DM (2006) “Heterologous expression of mammalian Plk1 in Drosophila reveals divergence from Polo during late mitosis”, Exp. Cell Res. 312:770 – 781


Alves, P, Godinho, S and Tavares, A. (2006) “The Drosophila orthologue of xPlkk1 is not essential for Polo activation and is necessary for proper contractile ring formation”. Exp. Cell Res. 312:308 – 321


Da Costa, G., Borch, J., Roepstorff, P., Tavares, A., Coelho, A. (2005) “Interaction of kinetochore proteins with tubulin”.  Molecular & Cellular Proteomics  4:358.


Tavares, A; Wainman, A; Domingues, C. Alves, P. Faria, M. e Glover, D. (2003) “Mob1-like proteins in Drosophila melanogaster”. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 54:164-165. 


Donaldson, M., Tavares, A., Hagan, I., Nigg, E. and David M. Glover (2001). “The mitotic roles of Polo-like kinase”. J. Cell Sci. 114: 2357-2358. 


Carmo-Avides, M., Tavares, A. and Glover, D. (2001). “Polo kinase and asp are needed to promote the mitotic organizing activity of centrosomes”. Nature Cell Biol. 3:421-424.


Donaldson, M., Tavares, A., Ohkura, H., Deak, P. and Glover, D. (2001). “Metaphase arrest with centromere separation in polo mutants of Drosophila”. J. Cell Biol. 153:663-675.Glover, D., Hagan, I. and Tavares, A. (1998). “Polo-like kinases: a team that plays throughout mitosis”. Genes & Dev. 12:3777-3787.


Carmena, M, Riparbelli, M., Minestrini, G., Tavares, A., Adams, R., Callaini, G. e Glover, D. (1998). “Drosophila polo kinase is required for cytokinesis”. J. Cell Biol., 143:659-671.


Adams, R., Tavares, A., Salzberg, A., Bellen, H. e Glover, D. (1998). “pavarotti encodes a kinesin-like protein required to organise the central spindle and contractile ring for cytokinesis”. Genes & Dev. 12: 1483-1494.


Tavares, A. e Glover, D. (1997). “Mitotic protein kinases in Drosophila embryos”. Methods in Enzymology 283:622-632.


Glover, D., Ohkura, H. e Tavares, A. (1996). “Polo kinase: the choreographer of the mitotic stage ?”.  J. Cell Biol. 135:1681-1684.


Tavares, A., Glover, D. e Sunkel, C. (1996). "The conserved mitotic kinase polo is regulated by phosphorylation and has preferred microtubule-associated substrates in Drosophila embryo extracts". EMBO J. 15:4873-4883.


Llamazares, S., Moreira, A., Tavares, A. ; Girdham, C., Spruce, B., Gonzalez, C., Karess, R., Glover, D., Sunkel, C. (1991). "polo encodes a protein kinase homologue required for mitosis in Drosophila ", Genes & Devel. 5:2153-2165.




Actin cones during spermatids individualization in Drosophila testis.  Red - actin; Green - microtubules.

Godinho e Tavares (2008)

Cover article

Mitotic Spindle and kinetochores

(HeLa cell)

International Manual of Oncology Practice

(iMOP) - Principles of Medical Oncology


Editors: Ramon Andrade de Mello,  Álvaro Tavares, Giannis Mountzios


2015 - Springer

This textbook addresses themes ranging from the molecular issues of cancer sciences to clinical practice in medical oncology. It clarifies many topics, including molecular oncology, chemotherapy pharmacology and practical issues for clinicians. Systemic treatments in many areas of oncology feature, such as breast cancer, gastrointestinal, thoracic, urological oncology, head and neck tumors, bone tumors, sarcomas and palliative care.


Cell Cycle & 

Cancer Biology Group

Updated on 3-2023

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